23 December 2008


popcorn.cheyra.nana.lynda.bam.wawa <3
miss you all badly! :(

hi,this is my SUPERDUPERFRIENDS.miss they a lot! :( . so long we disnt hangout together,
our last outing on 18 oct. time KAMI THE GIGS at bukit jalil.
oh gosh,miss that time badly.
where are you all been gone?babes?nape kite semua cam dah berpecah? :(
everytime hangout jee mesti one of us tk bole dtg kan kan?
bile laa we all bole berkumpul mcm dulu.hugging n kissing each other.
omg,miss that part very much.so loneyly without you all la babes!
taknak la berpecahkann?
im truly miss you all badly lah!
loving each other like sisterhood.
things gonna be change without you all.
hope our relationshipp will everlasting and nothing separate us except deadth!

dear god,i hopely this new year celebrating will gather all of us!

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