29 July 2009

3 second for the memory

Okay, aku suka sgt tgk picture aku ngan mak aku time kecik-kecik, miss that century. ;(

Okay wishes, what will you ask for if you got 3 wishes?
if me, i wish i could be the richest women of course la kan? hahahah, we can do all of the things with money. Shopping, cars, travel, business and so on.Cakap je nak mini cooper mesti dah ada depan mata. Or villa with swimming pool inside? But how about loves? and friends either?
okay, me second wishes is, i wish i could be geniuswomen ! In malaysia pon is enough laa kan? that time, mesti sume orang tabik aku, cam wow! budak genius,
And my last wishes is i really-really hope that i could be prime minester. Mesti bapak besti gila en, time tu aku nak naikkan harga rokok smpai 3 or 2 kali ganda, and then buat rules untuk sampah, kurangkan harga tiket public transport and for those who fail their SPM korang wajib repeat sampai korang lulus kalau tak, hehehehe aku tak benarkan korang hidup diatas bumi Malaysia sebab apa? kalau korang hidup pon korang nak buat apa? confirm laa korang tkdapat kerje kan? if nak buat business pon aku takkan luluskan lesen korang, hehehee. Pastu, about rasuah, aku tgk government Malaysia cam tak amik serious pasal ni, kalau aku jadi Prime Minester aku buat undang-undang 2 sebatan sapa yang rasuah and reward untuk siapa yang dapat menangkapnyaa. Hahaha, arak,whiski,vodca and so on for non muslim buyer only, hmm but what if the muslim ask their non-muslim friends to buy it for them? Hmmm, its really2 serious, its not easy job. Macam-macam kena layan kerenah masyarakat, belia, pekerja, perniaga. Hmm, i wish i could be the good prime minester one! ;p

the conclusion is.. people i'll never ever satisfact with all what they have now eventhou u're billionaire include me but im not a billionaire

18 July 2009


Okay, havent u heard about this pepatah
"jangan di kejar orang yang kita sayang, sayangilah orang sekeliling"
At first i like was, what the hell? we must fight for what we wants right? Im just realize that we cant get everything what we want not matter way eventho with money.
Let says if u were waiting for guy and not trying to express ur feeling with a sunny and shine words meanwhile theres have another guy that already express his feeling you with a the simplest word. So, which one you prefer?
Yesterday i was dilemma with that situation, but on this second i'm realize that if the guy that come back are you very sure that he really will come to you with your sunny and flowering word ? If you are lucky, he will.
Huh, just accept that guy with the simplest word with his honest and sincere.
Who know maybe you could be the luckiest person with him? Yah, but how u to accept him if u dont love him. Easy man!
find the best thing about him and try to understand what his interest. Perhaps u both have a chemistry?
How bout me? Idk what the hell way to tell him that i ready for him,i mean im sorry im late, i have to made a right decision to make sure that i am right for you,

Sister's Day Out

yesterday is the last day i went out with my beloved sister and today shes going back to her hostel at JB, i loves my sister! who cares? im just a schlub who express her feeling.We had a great time together. Now is a time that she had to go now to discover more about world, to learn more about people, to spell more about un describe word that she conceal.

P/S; She giving me a pairs of SODA jeans :D

14 July 2009


CHUCK is backkkk on AXN. goshhhh, i love this series~

Entri tidak ada kena-mengena dengan isi kandungan kecuali pada perenggan pertama.
Permulaan, katakan kau ada teman, teman baik sejak kecil, emm, bukan dari kecil pon tak apa, tapi kira kau dah kawan lama laa dengan dia, selama setahun mungkin?
Pada suatu hari yang indah dan berangin mungkin? dia meluahkan isi hati dia,
apa kata kau?
itu berlaku pada aku yang dilema memberikan jawapan, aku tak mahu kehilangan seorang rakan dan juga bekas ketua tingkatan aku tapi jawapan aku juga menghampakan dia tapi aku tak bagi jawapan lagi pon sebab kebelakangan ini dia asyik menjauhkan diri
aku tak mengerti?
Jika kau berada di situasi aku apa yang akan kau lakukan?
adakah kau akan menerima dia dan merahsiakan hubungan itu dari dunia?
kerana itu yang bermain di minda ku
tiap detik aku berfikir tentang ini, jiwa ku merintih dan menangis kerana aku tidak dapat menangung masalah ini yang nampak kecil akan tetapi melibatkan seorang teman lama yang aku sayang dan selalu juga aku sebut-sebutkan dia di dalam blog aku.
aku minta maaf kalau-kalau kau ada terasa tentang sikap ku kebelakangan ini yang banya menjauhkan diri dari kau

01 July 2009

Nordaniah Bt Mahmood


today is danny's birthday. May God bless her. Amin
today was good day. The sky was covered with cloud at all and its windy.
I'm not going to koko today, we were lepak-ing at Mapley.