29 July 2009

3 second for the memory

Okay, aku suka sgt tgk picture aku ngan mak aku time kecik-kecik, miss that century. ;(

Okay wishes, what will you ask for if you got 3 wishes?
if me, i wish i could be the richest women of course la kan? hahahah, we can do all of the things with money. Shopping, cars, travel, business and so on.Cakap je nak mini cooper mesti dah ada depan mata. Or villa with swimming pool inside? But how about loves? and friends either?
okay, me second wishes is, i wish i could be geniuswomen ! In malaysia pon is enough laa kan? that time, mesti sume orang tabik aku, cam wow! budak genius,
And my last wishes is i really-really hope that i could be prime minester. Mesti bapak besti gila en, time tu aku nak naikkan harga rokok smpai 3 or 2 kali ganda, and then buat rules untuk sampah, kurangkan harga tiket public transport and for those who fail their SPM korang wajib repeat sampai korang lulus kalau tak, hehehehe aku tak benarkan korang hidup diatas bumi Malaysia sebab apa? kalau korang hidup pon korang nak buat apa? confirm laa korang tkdapat kerje kan? if nak buat business pon aku takkan luluskan lesen korang, hehehee. Pastu, about rasuah, aku tgk government Malaysia cam tak amik serious pasal ni, kalau aku jadi Prime Minester aku buat undang-undang 2 sebatan sapa yang rasuah and reward untuk siapa yang dapat menangkapnyaa. Hahaha, arak,whiski,vodca and so on for non muslim buyer only, hmm but what if the muslim ask their non-muslim friends to buy it for them? Hmmm, its really2 serious, its not easy job. Macam-macam kena layan kerenah masyarakat, belia, pekerja, perniaga. Hmm, i wish i could be the good prime minester one! ;p

the conclusion is.. people i'll never ever satisfact with all what they have now eventhou u're billionaire include me but im not a billionaire

1 comment:


oww, anisa kiut lahh.