30 April 2009

Ulii Azman

You've been tagged, and you're supposed to write a note with the "ABC's of Me". At the end, choose people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

A - Age ; 14
B - Bed size ; Queen
C - Chore you hate ; cuci taik orang lain
D - Dog's name ; if i can have one
E - Essential start your day item ; brush mt teeth
F - Favorite color ; green and red
G - Gold or Silver ; silver please?
H - Height ; 148 (1st time btau org)
I - Instruments you play(ed) ; recorder. hahahaha
J - Job title ; online :DD
K - Kid(s) ; after 10 years from now :)
L - Living arrangements ; ????
M - Mom and dad live near or far ; nthla? skejap dekat kejap jauh =.="
N - Nicknames ; Nysa,Cha and samsuddin
O - Overnight hospital stay (other than birth) ; one day
P - Pet Peeve ; wet floor
Q - Quote from a movie ; perlu ke?
R - Right or left handed ; right
S - Siblings ; total (including me) - 7
T - Time you wake up ; 6.30 on school day and around 10 on holiday :D
U- Underwear ; La Senza
V - Vegetable you dislike ; peria and more
W - Ways you run late ; mak ayam hilang bulu
X - X-rays you've had ; not yet
Y - Yummy food you make ; sandwich spicy tuna :D
Z - Zoo favorite ; panda :DDD

i tagged;

5.lea marini

1 comment:

Sang Perwira said...

gila berabad tag ni
sorry lah, next tag, aku buat :)