04 June 2009

Last Friday

Okay today is last exam,eventho i already wrote bout this day , but there still have a part that i have to share with blogger,

okay this is about cheating during Science's exam. thamaiyanthi is daughter of Sir Sundara, and Sir Sundara is one of our teachers, so he know what ques will come out and guess what? He tell his daughter! At first whole class didnt know until the next day shaheera told us!
she can easily get A with read the answer that will come out mean while we all have to struggle.
act, not so struggle, about whole class were cheating including me, daniah and aizat!

and then, thamai were findout that asshery groups were cheating too, (asshery group were the most intelligent group in math and sc) . The next day, she was asked Su Hui (our monitor) to write all of asshery group and give it to Pn Vanaja Dellaythambi. Whole class were shock when they saw asshery group were crying when they receive their sc's paper.
Haziq told me that thamai wants to defeat his group on sc paper.

when i told mymum bout this, my mom were said
" sampai bila nak buat macam ni? Yang menjawab soalan tu bukan otak kau, kerajaan kita kacau bilau disebabkan waris mcm korang laa, menipu time exam. Lama-lama, ada yang rasuah cikgu,
tahun depan dah nak PMR, hidup korang akan menjadi sia-sia kalau belajar tak struggle, kau takkan rasa nikmat hidup, kalau kau buat cmni, hidup mati sama je, kalau hidup nak senang, lebih baik mati tros, nnti dlm kubur tak kene seksa sbb mati awal, dosa pon sikit. cuba susah sikit, rasa sikit nikmat dari kesusahan tu"

Since from that, i was thinking, yah, masa cepat sangat berlalu. Next year its my turn to take PMR. Feels like yesterday i was done my UPSR :(

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