23 September 2009


Dah lama tak update blog =.=
Whatever, btw im gonna say the same thing with danny.


This is a girl of Samsuddin's Daughter,
This year, Raya was totally different, idk why? Mybe i just lonely because theres only me,qyla and nuqman balik kampung but im happy always :D. hmpphh, now is 4th syawal but its like nothing, theres no people visiting us, we either didnt go anywhere, just stay at home.
Rie is on holiday for one weeks and after this he have to go for two month at Perak . Aghh, im gonna alone again and my hp not the most important things anymore except my dad buy me an iPhone, hehehe (he told me he would ;p)
Duit dah banyak, dah kaya sikit butt nak buat apa eh?
My wish is i really wanted to buy a lomo and my money more than enough to buy it but i think its kinda wasting buying sort of that thing, better i keep that money and use it for something emergency? Hmm, malas nak pikir, buat pakai retainer pon okey jugak at least boleh jadi lawa sikit =.= (perasang)

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