10 April 2009

Sonyericson K770i

Goodbye handphone,

aku tanak comment apa yang terjadi
too tired to thinking
better skodeng H*****
Let by gone be by gone
its my fault too
btw, hye ppl, i'll stay away from my Sonyericson for a while only, mybe for a couple month? HAHA
whos know rite?
mybe sumday i'll get the new one? HAHA,

But. aku cam tak kisah je kan bile benda tu terjadi,
last two years i was crying like there have a death people when i know my mum throw my handphone. Its really happen, thats time i was standard six, and budak jakon cm aku ni always sms with a schoolmates. Bukan tak jumpa kat sekolah pon, hehehe

Yahhh, alhamdulillah aku tak menangis, but i was embarrassing with shafee .he helps me a lot. thanks ya,

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Budak A: eh nysa, kau ckp tanak kecoh? tp asal kau tulih dalm blog?
Nysa: sebab aku tau tadak sapa nak baca blog celanat aku ni
Budak A: Harapan kau?
Nysa: Harapan no 1, semoga apa yg Dee ckp tercapai, harapan no 2, semoga yang Danny ckp tercapai. aku nk wat extra, 'ajal maut tangan Tuhan :)'


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